السبت، 10 ديسمبر 2011

News : American League accounts buy pornography on the scale

University of Kansas recently announced that it had purchased several domain addresses on pornographic xxx, such as www.KUgirls.xxx and www.KUnurses.xxx, in a move which seeks to defend the name of the university and the fear of exploitation in the pornography industry, has prompted the university, like many of American Universities, a sum of around U.S. $ 3 thousand titles that match the purchase.

The university had earlier announced in a statement to the news agency "Associated Press," it will not use any addresses in a special university activity, sufficient to protect the name of the university from any use of pornographic.

The domain xxx, who appeared recently sought to serve the pornography industry in general and aims to facilitate the arrival of the average user to pornography, has already begun this week the sale of titles on the scale of pornography to the public, having been open for companies in the month of September, and in those phase have been sold around 80 thousand a title, as many companies such as Pepsi and NIKE to purchase private addresses to protect its name and trademarks.

University of Kansas was not the only progress on this step, where the other universities such as Indiana and Purdue and Ball State to walk on the same approach and protected names to purchase private addresses on the domain xxx.

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