السبت، 28 يناير 2012

Twitter allows "pages Trademarks" to more companies

Twitter announced today its intention to expand its pages trademark or what is known as Brand Pages to include a larger number of companies that use this service are relatively new.

Brand Pages and service is a service Twitter announced in advance and allow companies to customize their pages on Twitter by setting the bar advertising, the use of the installed Alngredat pinned tweets that keep on its top, and other features of the companies.

Now, after a period of experimental work to pages companies, the company announced it will provide these pages with the beginning of February for all, but will be available exclusively for companies that pay $ 25,000 and up to advertise on the site. Twitter aims to attract companies to use its pages to twitter instead of in their advertising campaigns.

The Twitter experiment since a period of several methods can profit from, and now companies can advertise on twitter by the so-called promoted tweets are ads in the form of Ngredat appear to users, but this service is still experimental and confined to a certain number of companies and will be made ​​available to all during the a short period.

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